There is nothing more in the world this table loves than cheese enchiladas. The key to a perfect cheese enchilada is the red gravy sauce. It must be equal parts oil to flour with a salty chicken broth base heavily seasoned with just chili powder and comino, salt and pepper. Nothing more, nothing less.
Modification Made (Red Gravy):
Double the salt and omit the oregano.
Modifications Made (Enchiladas):
No onions. Not now or ever.
Warm corn tortillas in microwave until soft. Spread tortilla with thin layer of red gravy, fill with cheese, wrap TIGHTLY, and place seam side down on microwavable plate. Repeat with desired number of tortillas. Cover with more gravy, top with cheese, microwave until inside cheese melts. About 30 seconds for three extra fat tortillas.
Scaled for Likability: Great
I love, love, love cheese enchiladas! Not beef, or chicken, vegetarian, or shrimp. Just plain cheese with plain red gravy topped with more plain yellow cheese on top. It is a stuffed tortilla perfection smothered in a earthy, warm soul filling gravy. Cheese, carbs, sauce. What more could anyone ask for?