Spices are defining ingredients to a regional location.. Comino is to Mexican as curry is to Indian as soy is to Asian. Therefore, when Easy Garlic Ginger Glazed Sticky Pork was discovered without soy sauce and five gloves of garlic, I knew we immediately had to try it.
Modifications Made:
Sauce ingredients were reduced to quarter cup honey, one tablespoon sriracha, one heaping teaspoon rice wine vinegar. One teaspoon ginger powder for fresh grated was added to sauce mixture.
Scaled for Likeability: Great
So spicy. So sticky. So sensational. Even the teen tablecounter part liked it because it did not have soy however, it would have been preferred with less sriracha or ginger or black pepper. Combining all three did add up to quite a bit of heat but when mixed with rice the heat was negotiable. My only complaint, not enough for leftovers. Bummer.