Don't you love the feeling you get when a recipe is stumbled across and you know immediately it will be a winner of a dinner? Last night, while scrolling image searches for a totally unrelated recipe, Chicken Fried Steak Breakfast Sandwich was found and my breath hitched. Who would have thought the sight of a new meal would cause my stomach to growl after just having eaten the most lovely Ukrainian Beef Stew. Immediately my brain was racing to see if all ingredients were on hand for breakfast this morning. Luckily they were!
Modifications Made:
The site this lovely idea came from was a fast food service selling their products therefore all items were pre-made from the industrial food factory. Homemade, no matter how crappy, would be better than anything they could make.
The site this lovely idea came from was a fast food service selling their products therefore all items were pre-made from the industrial food factory. Homemade, no matter how crappy, would be better than anything they could make.
Homemade slices of Easy Artisan Bread replaced, frozen biscuits. Chicken fried deer steaks replaced chicken fried steaks. Homemade white gravy made from the dredges of the fried deer steak replaced the powdered gravy mix. However, I have to say, if in a pinch I would serve powdered gravy mix. Two small eggs, fried hard replaced sunny side up egg.
Scaled for Likability: Great
This is NOT a meal to be consumed daily, weekly, or even monthly. This is a special occasion meal. Eating this good will kill you, guaranteed. So good. How soon can this be made again? Tomorrow with leftover fried steaks, fantastic!!!