Garlic bread. Who does not love garlic bread? Garlic butter bread loaf with or without cheese. Garlic butter toast with or without cheese. Garlic butter knots. Garlic butter sticks. Garlic bread rolls. Garlic bread loaf. Garlic bread pizza dough. Garlic bread cinnamon rolls, not so much.
Scaled for Likability: FAIL
Here's what happened. I wanted cheese pizza with a garlic butter crust. Cheese pizza using the simple Yeastless Pizza Dough from a last week. So simple and easy to make was the pizza crust, I figured the addition of garlic powder in the pizza dough itself would be wonderful. The oven was warmed, the dough rolled out, and the pasta sauce was bad. Not even a week old in the fridge and it was science experiment to be impressed by. Multiple shades of green and white mold covered the inside of the lid and the rim of the jar. The sauce itself was a vibrant red with not a speck of discoloring. Boo, no pizza dinner.
Being bummed by the lack of pizza for dinner and with my mind racing for a quick dinner to cook as it was now already past five and everyone was getting hangry, my mind went on autopilot and made cinnamon rolls like so many times before with leftover pizza dough. Not until the moment I took a bite long after dinner had been served and cleaned up did I remember the garlic powder.
So sad as the garlic powder in the buttery dough itself was just as good as I was hoping. So sad the garlic powder was too strong to overcome the sweet cinnamon gooeyness of the roll. They were beautiful garlic buns.